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Do you like a good chicken sandwich? Me too! Well, that is... that I used to. Until I played this game! Dundundun! If you watch this, you may never ever want to eat chicken again. EVER! Okay not really I'm being a little hyperbolic, but this game is still awesome. While it is a silly game, it was still scarier than I thought being chased by a chicken. I can't wait for episode 2. Thank you Consistency 3D!

Hahaha thanks for the playthrough, man! Love your intro by the way! Episode 2 will be out very soon!


Just downloaded about to make video on it hope its good. Meanwhile...

Wow I have a lot of questions. Why does the protagonist look like a purple haired girl in a jumpsuit and then she suddenly switches to some dude in a button down, a jacket, and some jeans? The game looks cool though, I'll have to check it out.


Wow you watched my videooo that's awesome and thanks a lot. Well the protagonist is the guy in jacket and has lost his 97 percent of memory so he doesn't remember anything. He has an AI yui(purple haired girl) she doesn't remember anything about the guy's past 24hrs. They are stuck in the building with some mysterious creature is lurking around 

Hahaha Oooh that makes a lot more sense! And you bet, man! 


it was really hilarious i like it so much


Thanks, man, I appreciate it!


hey the one who has to say thank it was me because you the creator of this fun horror game i cant wait for episode 2 or part 2 ok man keep it up your good work




Don't say I didn't warn ya!

Deleted 2 years ago

Although I joked around a lot, it was a fun experience to play. I am heavily looking forward to the future episodes, as I really wonder what could happen after the two endings we can choose from in this one. Although very short, you did a good job with quick-time suspenseful events and the little chase at the end. It was both funny and a bit terrifying to have a giant chicken be the villain of the game!


Hahahaha that was a pretty hilarious use of the television jumper guy! Also the criticism was very valid, I appreciate the play-through!


No problem man, thanks for watching! Looking forward to future updates 💯


honestly, 10/10


Thank you, I really appreciate it!


Thank you all for your play-throughs and comments! Episode 2 should be out next week as long as I make the deadline, and it's looking not bad right now!


I enjoyed this game. Very interesting to see what could happen if things were the other way around. I included this game in a gameplay with 3 other games. I will link the video below if you are interested,  gameplay begins at 12:13






Funny and creepy at the same time XD fun little gem, curious about the other episodes!


Cool little game, I enjoyed it!
I'm looking forward to the next episode!

(1 edit) (+1)

Is it supposed to be a pink screen with a bunch of glitchy noises? Looks cool though. Lol.


Definitely not, what browser are you using? And have you tried the download version?


The problem probably isn't anything you did it's probably just on my end of course. I'll try the download version later lol.


this was pretty funny and had some good moments. great work seriously! haha


Thanks, man, I appreciate it!


This was pleasantly enjoyable and surprisingly creepy at times. Looking forward to more from this dev! 



This was really nice! Quick and effective.


Pretty good. For such a quick game it is creepy and well made. Good job.


What are the controls? I can tell wasd/the arrow keys are to walk and the mouse is to look around, but no matter what I do the chicken always catches me. Is there a run button? or am I just bad?


Press shift to run


Haha yeah, my bad, I'll put those in the description. I appreciate it @JoeziahPlayz!


thank you!!!


No problem :D




Had a blast playing this, it's pretty short but enjoyable!

It's the second game I played in the video.


pretty cool game:) I died on my first try lol


Surprisingly creepy, nice job.


Hey, man, this game is cool. I wish I could play with him


It was a funny experience, though I really did expect more (I don't read game's descriptions before playing them). The graphics were really cool aswell as the evironment, sounds were pretty solid and the first "jumpscare" was actually not that bad. But I reckon this game is just a "fun horror game", so...not to be taken as seriously. I still liked the experience :p
6/10! :D


Funny lol


We're back working in fast food nightmare town! Fight the chicken! You have a one way ticket to the fight club! Also i give an update on Subnautica! 


Hahaha sorry to disappoint that I didn't make an ending where you could actually escape, but it was hilarious watching you figure it all out!

Thanks for playing, and please keep an eye out for episode 2 coming next week!


Really great job. The chicken somehow became my best friend. It was friendship at first sight. I'm sad the ending where I hug him is the "bad" ending (jk lmao). But I hope see and play more games of yours!


Hahaha thanks, man, I appreciate it! Loved the play-through! You're really good at filling all the down-time with jokes!

I'll be entering the next episode into the Scream Zone jam, so keep an eye out for it!


Definitely will! And thanks :D I try to make it comedic as possible.


Hey, mate!

Great job.
Could you please tell me what did you use to code it?


Thank you! The whole thing is made in Godot and coded in GDScript!

Hope that helps!


Spoilers below! Don't read further unless you're okay with that!


This was awesome! I'd play more of this. Just one question, is the player falling into the fryer on the true ending?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yep, you got it! Sorry if that wasn't clear enough, but that is exactly what the implication is. Slipping on the wheeled mop bucket and going rolling into it. Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you liked it! I hope to make a collection of them!




Nice game loved what ya got there, if you want to see my impressions, watch my video. However I have to say this to you the creator, don't ever stop you have talent and you need to keep at it and get into the bigger gaming industry. This is great and so are you. 


Thank you very much for your kind words, and I have to say, your editing is absolutely incredible! 

You keep up what you're doing too, your channel is really a cut above in quality!


Thanks it means so much to me to hear this. Thank you for watching too :)


You bet, man! I'll keep an eye out for your new ones!


Thanks I am updating my intros in the next few weeks so it should be something fun to see and different from other creators. I am here to entertain after all and make people aware of great creators such as yourself :) 


So it's like a lighthearted version of Midnight Scenes? Cool...I'll try.


I've never heard of that one, but Navarro seems to be much more on the nose with his copying of the Twilight Zone, from the logo itself to the whole game being in black and white. I'll have to give it a try later today.

 I wouldn't say the true ending is all that light-hearted either, but I appreciate you checking it out!


Gotcha! Glad I could mention the MS games to you then, as a fellow Twilight Zone fan. Your game is awesome too! :)


Thank you, I appreciate it! I played through his 2 episodes, and I love everything about them except for the endings to be honest hahaha

The polish, the mood, and the atmosphere are amazing on both of them, but the endings remind me of my not-so-favorite episodes of the Twilight Zone where you end up saying "THAT'S where you took this story?", although I'll be the first to admit I'm kinda hypocritical with my game being about a killer chicken. 

I think mine is more of the reverse, with the premise being very cheesy and then the ending being kinda dark if we're just talking about those elements alone. In terms of polish and overall quality, I don't hold a candle to him though.

In any case, I'll keep on refining the series. Thanks for the comment, and episode 2 will be out next week!


Good Creation!


Thanks, man, I appreciate it!


Its a pretty good game waiting for next Ep.


Thank you, I really appreciate it! Sorry again about the copyrighted music, you did a really good job editing it out and keeping the sound! Hahaha


This was short but funny, hopefully we'll get another episode with more indepth

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the playthrough, especially for covering both endings, I really appreciate it! And you bet, the next one will have a bit more story to it!


Why you use copyright content in your games???  maybe add them in the description so we can mention then in our videos. -_-


Hahaha sorry about that! I'm a really big fan of that Kraftwerk song. It's got real Twilight Zone vibes. I'll use proper royalty-free stuff only for the next one, I wasn't expecting this to get much attention and that's what made me want to make this series in the first place.

Thanks for playing!


It's not all about youtubers...sometimes real music fits the game.


Yes but because of our videos there video will get more attention or maybe viral sometime. 


Excellent. Looking forward to another episode.


Hahaha loved the playthrough!

Thank you very much, I appreciate it! I'll get it out as soon as possible, most likely for the latest Scream Zone Jam!

Sorry about your water-y ear, I hope it gets better! Keep up that upload schedule!

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